To be quite honest I feel like I've been run over by a train! :) I kept thinking today 'why am I so stinkin' tired?' and then realized it has been a little bit of a stressful 6 weeks ~ so maybe now that all the treatments, tests etc. are over I just need to chill and slowly regain my strength and energy.
It's been great to be back home with everyone and see how well the kids are doing. Rachel really misses Russia. David loves being in America .. today in the car we were talking and I told them about Jim Elliot and his quote 'wherever you are be ALL there'. So David replied to Rachel, 'yeah Rachel, it's like when we're in Russia you have to love Russia but when we're in America you have to love America.' Rachel thought about it long and hard and then grudgingly replied 'yeah I guess you're right, I mean they don't have cheese sauce in Russia.' :)
We signed the boys up to play flag football - they have had zero exposure to the sport of football so we thought it would be a neat learning experience for them. I got so tickled when I overheard David talking on the phone to his Gran and telling her 'I'm gonna play ___ ... umm what's that thing called you play with a ball that looks like an egg??' Life is all about learning something new, so it's been quite entertaining watching them learn to block and run. Soccer and basketball are pretty much the only thing kids play back home.
Please pray for us as we are trying to figure out when we should return to Russia, and just all the long-term medical ramifications that this has brought into our lives. If we think about it too long and hard it gets a bit overwhelming. Thank you again for all the love and prayers for our family!