Sunday, September 18, 2005

Picnic Time!

Well this should have been posted last Sunday... but better late than never. For two weeks James & Andrei spent time trying to visit the parents, grandparents or guardians of each young person that attended the summer camp. This was more difficult that you'd imagine as almost all the youth come from alcoholic families - very sad to visit and see their home life. They invited them to attend a special picnic on the 11th. Fifteen new people ended up coming which was exciting! In Russia you don't have 'hamburgers on the grill', instead it's always 'shash-leek' similar to american shish-kabobs. Anyway, you go drive out into the woods, build a fire, put all the meat on metal rods and cook it over the fire. The children & I stayed at home, but James said everyone had a great time. Please pray as we try to start a new home Bible study with some of these parents and older people. So far our ministry here has focused on youth, but we realize we need to be available and reaching out to the entire family - pray that God will somehow direct and open doors.

Here's a few pictures to enjoy of another 'shash-leek' picnic we had at the end of summer - the Sunday before school started.

After we ate, we got a cake out and started cutting... Caleb immediately ran over and hunkered down right beside the cake watching intently as it was sliced.... his eyes never left the cake for at least 10 minutes! He was so excited to finally get a piece, walked over to a log, sat down, ate one bite and promptly dropped the plate and cake! Oh well I was nearby so the 10 second rule was in effect :) Out of all our children Caleb has one serious sweet tooth.

Here's Caleb, Rachel & David eating their hot dogs..

Here's the group during the prayer time/devotional

Caleb loves watermelon!!

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